c'est Stile. J'ai dŽcidŽ que dorŽnavant je mettrai ˆ jour la
page en franais, parce que c'est un langage supŽrieur ˆ l'anglais.
Si vous ne l'aimez pas, vous pouvez aller baise vous-mme. Chacun
sait que la France est meilleure que l'AmŽrique. DorŽnavant
je passerai en revue seulement des films, la musique et le
porn franais. Votre mre dort avec des chiens.
must click the fucking pictures to play the videos.
is my small collection of vomit
video's. Many websites have tried to take credit for them,
but the original website that made the first two video's
famous was r33t. Although they were around the web long
before that, it took them to post and name the files so
brilliantly that they became part of our Internet heritage
forever. I will give $500.00 US to anyone who can successfully
watch all three in sequence while eating cottage cheese
and ravioli. Sweet ass logo by Red
Dwarf who inspired me to do this post.