[G F O R C E]
We are back as we had promised
Defacement brought to you by The GForce
cunts called the Indians.
VAJPAYE You are one mother fucking clue less faggot
VAJPAYE You are one mother fucking clue less faggot
VAJPAYE You are one mother fucking clue less faggot
VAJPAYE You are one mother fucking clue less faggot
VAJPAYE You are one mother fucking clue less faggot
VAJPAYE You are one mother fucking clue less faggot
VAJPAYE You are one mother fucking clue less faggot
Reasons for defacement and why we are after those cunts
MEMBERS : Sn1p3r, heataz, Mi||er, glitchX, InSt|nCt, lycos, pen, viviana.
Shouts to : rave-, grid, pWr, DrNuker, a-ngelz and every one in Gforce, mOs and h3x4
Greets Also to MAN|AC, aSrAr, Pecemaker, CreeD and all those 5 3l337 hijackers.
Also gr33tz to dabomb msgmen0t qu|ver and friends at Unet and efnet (Sn1p3r)
Also the jang team, dawn, indian times and all those who support are cause.
People from 2600 and attrition, projectgamma please update *these* sites =)
The U.N. for sitting on their fat asses all this time and doing nothing, The U.S.A. for looking the other way while defenseless people are being butchered, Amnesty International for not doing their part, The Hindu "baniya", Bal Thakray - when you die (which IS going to be soon), we hope they let the vultures violate every friggin' hole your body has to offer before tearing you up, eating you piece by piece, digesting you and then taking a royal dump in the river ganges (YES! we are SICK terrorists !@#$%!), Jaswant Singh - You give sikhs a bad BAD name dude, the pizza dude for being this late, one k0nka@dalnet for being whatever he is - k0nka mate.. here's looking at your sorry ass kid... _|_ , net21pk - the "alleged" ISP, and all the people we've missed - you know who you are guys, FUCK YOU !@
FUCK OFFS TO Zee News Team specially that phat guy with glassess I hate his face. Special fucks offs too, each and every member of the zee news team accept that black chick because I love here (*)(*)<= bushy$@#$!%$^systematically violated the Code of Medical Neutrality in Armed Conflict. During the curfew the security forces have prevented medical personnel from evacuating injured people in need of treatment. Ambulance drivers have been the principal victims of these actions, frequently being stopped while on duty. A number have been fired on and beaten, in some cases the medical personnel have been detained, tortured and killed.
[g f o r c e] [g f o r c e] [g f o r c e] [g f o r c e]
copyright Sn1p3r/heataz/InSt|nCt and the whole gFoRcE