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Posted by suckit on Tuesday, August 22 @ 05:32:30 /etc/localtime (read: 1 times - hits: 1)
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h3ll0 ch1ck3n h34d5.
Logging into
( e z s ): y0y0 l00k 4t
th353 n1ggh4z w1f 4tt1tuD3s. br0thaR tyl0x t4k3 iT 4w4y
( tyl0x ): y0 y0 m1sth4
4dm1n .d1d 1 f4ll 0ff ? g0t y4 r1pp1n 3v3ry m1cr0s0ft NT p1ctur3
0n y3wr w4ll 0ff, Just c4us3 1 put 4w4y muh s4w3d 0ff
( e z s ): 0k4y s0 w3r3 n0t cuT 0ut t0 b3 g4ngst4
r4p3rs 4ft3r4ll !
( tyl0x ): l00k! A h4lf n4k3d drunk3n pr0st1tut3 ,
y0 (e z s) l3tz Put th4t p1ctur3 up so 3v3ry0n3 w1ill l1k3 th1nk
w3 kn0w h3r 4nd sh1t. m4yb3 3v3n th1nk w3 m1ght h4v3 sc0r3d!

( e z s ): uH 4r3 th0s3 bUgl3 b0y j34n5 y3wr
w34r1ng ?.. h3ll n0 b1tch y3w kn0w th3yr3 p0l0.
( tyl0x ): 0oh w3ll 4nyw4yz .. h3r3 4r3 s0m3
k-sp1ff l1nks.
fr0m p0rn t0 subl1m1n4l d3v1l w0rsh1p1ng.
p1mp sh4ck
1r1sh p1mp5?
ok4y by3 f0r n0w
Logging out of
z s | tyl0x
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Baldur's Gate II ScreenShots
Posted by fizz on Monday, August 21 @ 12:45:52 /etc/localtime (read: 0 times - hits: 1)
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RPG Planet has posted ten new screenshots of BioWare's most wanted AD&D computer role playing game -- Baldurs Gate II! The shots show off some of the levels, character paper-doll profiles and some nice world-map magic
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Duke Nukem Forever Interview
Posted by fizz on Monday, August 21 @ 12:29:23 /etc/localtime (read: 0 times - hits: 0)
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In The Trenches' series of interviews on 3D modelling rolls on, today's victim being level designer, modeler & animator Matt Wood, who is working at 3D Realms on Duke Nukem Forever. Matt explains how his level design work got him interested in modelling, talks about his inspirations, discusses the tools he uses, and shares his views on motion capture.
Thanks Blues.
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BombSquad - Tribes Division
Posted by fizz on Monday, August 21 @ 01:15:30 /etc/localtime (read: 0 times - hits: 1)
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Well, I would normally say So and So has updated thier website here, BUT in this Case So and So is Me! I recently redid the BombSquad Tribes page in preparation of the upcoming Smash Hit Sequel to StarSiege Tribe, Tribes 2! As im sure we are not the only bunch of people eagerly waiting this great game, not only do the screenshots look great, ive heard nothing but good things about it.
As soon as its availible, we have a machine 800Mhz, 256megs ram, and a T1, in preparation and in hopes to become a beta tester for this smash.
You can check out the awesome redesign of the BombSquad Tribes Site here .
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Posted by fizz on Monday, August 21 @ 01:12:10 /etc/localtime (read: 0 times - hits: 0)
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Hey guys, your prolly wondering, WTF, no news today? what gives.. Ok, well first of all, as soon as i woke up thismorning, my wife and her parents were schemeing to goto orlando for some fun (4 Hour Drive from here) so we went up there and overall it was fun and i had a good time, not to mention i saw most of the country side which i never knew existed here in S.W. Florida.
Anyhow, things will return to normal tomorrow.
I'm out, f|zz
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Halo Wallpaper
Posted by fizz on Saturday, August 19 @ 14:06:31 /etc/localtime (read: 1 times - hits: 0)
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I just noticed over at, they released this super cool halo wallpaper which comes availible in any flavor resolution. Be sure to check it out.
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Summoner Screens
Posted by fizz on Saturday, August 19 @ 14:02:05 /etc/localtime (read: 0 times - hits: 2)
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VoodooExtreme has posted four exclusive new screen shots of the RPG -- Summoner, which look very nice indeed. Summoner is currently under development for the PC and PS-2, and possibly other next-generation console systems. They're very nice shots, just take a look!
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