OBS! Denna textfil ingår i ett arkiv som är dedikerat att bevara svensk undergroundkultur, med målsättningen att vara så heltäckande som möjligt. Flashback kan inte garantera att innehållet är korrekt, användbart eller baserat på fakta, och är inte heller ansvariga för eventuella skador som uppstår från användning av informationen.
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If you are the kind of person who most of your time think that people are not to be generalized as good or bad, please continue reading at the subtitle named "PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL". If you are the kind of person who most of your time think that people are disgusting when you get to know them better, please continue reading at the subtitle named "EXPERIENCED". If you are the kind of person who most of your time think that people are naive as hell, please continue reading at the subtitle named "GROWN-UP WANNA BE". If you are the kind of person who most of your time think that people are easily fooled by you or others, please continue reading at the subtitle named "CRIMINAL". If you are the kind of person who most of your time think that people are too busy, please continue reading at the subtitle named "GET A LIFE". If you are the kind of person who most of your time think all people are smarter than you, please continue reading at the subtitle named "GETTING THE POINT". If you are the kind of person who most of your time think all people are ugly, please continue reading at the subtitle named "FIND A MIRROR". If you are the kind of person who most of your time consider suicide, please continue reading at the subtitle named "BEST WAY OUT". If you are the kind of person who most of your time consider killing people, please continue reading at the subtitle named "BEST WAY TO GO". If you are the kind of person who most of your time kill people, please continue reading at the subtitle named "WAY TO GO". If you are the kind of person who most of your time torture small animals, please continue reading at the subtitle named "POTENTIAL POLITICIAN". If you are the kind of person who most of your time torture big animals, please continue reading at the subtitle named "POTENTIAL PRESIDENT CANDIDATE." If you are the kind of person who most of your time play with yourself, please continue reading at the subtitle named "STICKY WHEN HOT". If you are the kind of person who most of your time work at the factory, please continue reading at the subtitle named "SLAVE FOR LIFE." If you are the kind of person who most of your time look out for spooks and cops, please continue reading at the subtitle "CLASSIFIED." If you are the kind of person who most of your time think of tying up your partner before making love to him/her, please continue reading at the subtitle named "KINKY." If you are the kind of person who most of your time tie up your partner to rape him/her, please continue reading at the subtitle named "KINKY". If you are the kind of person who most of your time tie up unknown people to rape him/her, please continue reading at the subtitle named "LOW PROFILE." If you are the kind of person who most of your time tie up random family members to rape them, please continue reading at the subtitle named "INTERNAL AFFAIRS". ---------------------------- Section 2 ------------------------------- * SUCKER Your biggest problem is your ignorance. Concentrate on what people mean, not what they tell you. See the facts through their lies. Your own judgement is better than other people's experiences. Your kind is rare. * REALIST Your biggest problem is your ignorance. Stop looking down on people. Stop talking and begin listening. You are no better than the next person. You belong to the majority of people on earth. * PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL Your biggest problem is your ignorance. It is not about reading, it is about understanding what is written. You are stuck in your ways. Do something you normally would not do for once. * EXPERIENCED You have seen the facts through the lies. You never lie to yourself about your life. Continue being true to yourself and others. Do not listen to people you dislike. Fight for your ideas. Never give up. * GROWN-UP WANNA BE Your childhood was traumatic. There are people who are better than you. Being an adult does not come with your age. Start talking to people instead of ignoring them. Things changes, so will you. * CRIMINAL You are not alone. You do not have to change your ways. Your abilites will serve you well in life. Be sure you know the difference between smart and greedy. Help out people of your own kind. Beware of infiltrators. * GET A LIFE Get yourself engaged in different projects. Do not let your fear from earlier experiences stop you. Never let people who are suspicious near you. Studying is not important, since you already have the knowledge. * GETTING THE POINT Read more. Always say what you think. Get even with people you dislike. Do not worry about getting more enemies. Be mean to kids. Look down on people who deserve it. Demand more in return. * FIND A MIRROR Your biggest problem is your ignorance. Watch more news, read less magazines. Look through your wardrobe. People think you can not be trusted. Speak up more often. Never allow being interrupted. * BEST WAY OUT Talk more, think less. Begin trusting people. Always have an open mind. Initiate a religious cult. Lie to people you dislike. Learn to hate. Keep your deepest thoughts about life to yourself. * BEST WAY TO GO Stop talking, start acting. Do not let your moral standings bother you. People will look up to you. Love your enemies, hate your friends. Always correct things you dislike. Never lie. Never die. * WAY TO GO You have identified your problems. You know how to do something about them. Your biggest enemy is yourself. Never trust anyone. Only believe what you see. Read about something you hate. * POTENTIAL POLITICIAN Your greatest disadvantage is your brain capacity. Do not hesitate expanding your projects. Make friends among the lucky. Do anything to get everything. Remember that the enlightened is never happy. * POTENTIAL PRESIDENT CANDIDATE Your greatest disadvantage is your brain capacity. Do not take no for an answer. Never confess anything. Forget anything of importance. Always overlook something fatal. The stars are your friends. * STICKY WHEN HOT Share what you have among the disadvantaged. Spread your words to strangers. Look people deep in their eyes when talking to them. Never lie to a friend. Do not trust anyone to scrub your back. * SLAVE FOR LIFE Knock down the walls. Paint your world red. Never take orders. Try other ways of justifying yourself. Oil the stairs to your oppressors. Ruin the life of someone luckier than you. * CLASSIFIED Never quit once you have started. Change often and irregular. Ensure that you will be continuously updated. Be the first to know. Be the last to tell. You are the one in control. They know nothing. Fight to the very end. * KINKY When you do things, do it well. Make people believe you are worse than you really are. Fake anything you can not do. Blame someone else. Never attend a meeting alone. Lie if you are confronted with facts. * LOW PROFILE Never trust a stranger. Always get your will through. Make people like you. Eliminate any competition. Old friends are old enemies. Do not act the way you are supposed to. Stay in shape. * INTERNAL AFFAIRS Everything you have been told were lies. Everything you have done were only dreams. Make your own world. Only believe what you feel. They do not know enough. Kiss the steel of the future. ------------------------- End of document ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uXu #217 Underground eXperts United 1994 uXu #217 Call DIGITAL ANARCHY -> +1-703-758-0950 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------