OBS! Denna textfil ingår i ett arkiv som är dedikerat att bevara svensk undergroundkultur, med målsättningen att vara så heltäckande som möjligt. Flashback kan inte garantera att innehållet är korrekt, användbart eller baserat på fakta, och är inte heller ansvariga för eventuella skador som uppstår från användning av informationen.
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Underground eXperts United
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[ Is This Art? ] [ By The GNN ]
by THE GNN/DualCrew-Shining/uXu
(Is this art?)
>From XXXXX.XXXX@XXXXXXXXXX.com Thu Aug 24 16:46:18 1995
Date: 24 Aug 95 10:41:38 EST
From: Maria Norman <XXXXX.XXXX@XXXXXXXXXX.com>
To: Gnn <gnn@krille.update.uu.se>
Subject: 'UXU'
Hi. I am writing to you because I want you to know that I pray for you and
your friends. I have read some articles from 'UXU' which I find to be
violent, provocative and indecent. Don't listen to Satan. He will destroy
you. You are on your way to hell. Only Jesus can save you. You and your
friends in 'UXU' ought to stop writing. You are spreading Satan's word.
Please stop. I know that you're not evil. You're just misguided by Satan.
I know you will not understand what I mean now. But soon you will
understand. This world is a beautiful place. It's not as dark and bad as
you and your friends say. It will become dark if you continue to write. So
please erase your 'UXU' texts and listen to Jesus. I'm your friend.
(This is not art.)
Talking loud aint saying nothing.
Take advance of your modulator/demodulator and call THE STASH!
Skadlig och irriterande.
uXu #254 Underground eXperts United 1995 uXu #254
Call CYBERPUNK SYSTEM -> +1-316-942-0064