OBS! Denna textfil ingår i ett arkiv som är dedikerat att bevara svensk undergroundkultur, med målsättningen att vara så heltäckande som möjligt. Flashback kan inte garantera att innehållet är korrekt, användbart eller baserat på fakta, och är inte heller ansvariga för eventuella skador som uppstår från användning av informationen.
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Underground eXperts United
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[ Lost And Found Years ] [ By Speed Devil Show ]
by Speed Devil Show
Observe. The dots below represent (in average) how many years you will
experience in your life.
You could regard this illustration as displaying a unavoidable journey
which you embarked on the far left, and with necessity must end on the far
right. How far have you travelled? And what have you done? The best you
can? No? Oh! I see: You are waiting for the 'right time' to come, the day
when you will finally develop Your own capacities and really do what You
want to do. Indeed, there will come many years after the [END] - but not
for you. There is no 'right time' after the [END], merely before it; and
they are, as you can see, not everlasting. Do not wait, but do; take
action, go for gold.
uXu #542 Underground eXperts United 2000 uXu #542