Cd-skivan "Uffe was a nazi!" som Flashback gav ut 1998, med bevismaterialet för att Ulf Ekberg (Ace of Base) varit nazist, har nu blivit förbjuden att sälja via Internetauktionsföretaget Ebay. Ebay skickade den 21 november 2000 följande brev till en av sina kunder: "Dear Andy eskimo (, We want to tell you how much we appreciate your membership and participation on eBay. We regret to inform you that your eBay auction: 500840842 ULF EKBERG (ACE OF BASE) "UFFE WAS A NAZI" CD has been ended. All fees associated with this auction have been credited to your account. Although you may not have been aware, eBay will judiciously disallow listings or items that promote hatred, violence, or racial intolerance, including items that promote organizations (such as the KKK, Nazis, neo-Nazis, Skinheads, Aryan Nation) with such views. For more information regarding this policy and what is allowed and what is not, please go to:" CD-skivan "Uffe was a Nazi!" trycktes upp i endast 1 000 exemplar, numrerad upplaga, och går fortfarande att beställa från Flashback. 119 kronor (inklusive porto). Postgiro: 169 18 26-0. Ej postförskott.