Skivan "Uffe was a Nazi!" som Flashback gav ut i somras har blivit världsnyhet. En radiostation i Israel har spelat upp skivan i israelisk radio och nyheten spreds sedan snabbt i övriga Israel. Man översatte även delar av sångtexterna till hebreiska. Men bortsett israelisk radio, tysk tv och uppmärksammanden från både Reuter och media i Norge, Finland och Danmark har nyheten nu även nått USA. Amerikanska CyberSleaze skriver bl.a. följande om skivan: "NAZI PAST COMES BACK TO HAUNT ACE OF BASE STAR: Evidence of Swedish ACE OF BASE star ULF EKBERG´s past as an active neo-Nazi has surfaced to taint the pop star´s success. Fellow Swede JAN AXELSSON seems to have now made it his life´s work to reveal the truth behind his allegations that Ekberg was an active member of the Nazi party. Axelsson, a magazine editor, has masterminded the release of a limited-edition CD containing all the songs recorded by Ekberg during his dubious days as a racist skinhead. Ekberg, who co-writes much of the bubble gum pop of his current group, has frequently tried to deny his seedy past, but the magazine editor has come up with musical evidence that the guitarist will have great difficulty explaining away. According to Axelsson, Ekberg was a member of the neo-Nazi rock band COMMIT SUISIDE (corr.) in the late 80´s in Sweden, and the new CD contains what is believed to be every single racist song he was involved with artistically. Among the lyrics are creepy sentiments to the effect of, "We enjoy sawing off the heads of niggers..." while another song goes, "Where the white people are, we find civilization, enlightenment and prosperity. White power!" And for those rabid Ace of Base fans who are still reluctant to accept that has evidence, the album is accompanied by a booklet containing photographic evidence of Ekberg´s Nazi past. There are pictures of the Ace of Base guitarist doing the Nazis salute, another one of him wearing a Ku-Klux-Klan T-shirt and a third in which he is sporting a huge Swastika across his shirt. Axelsson says, "The purpose of this record is to show that Ulf Ekberg´s background is different from what he would like the world to believe and different from what he explained to some 60 million American TV viewers in 1993 when he refused ever having been a Nazi". Well, well, well. And I always thought they were just harmless little ABBA clones. Guess not. Enligt brittiska dagstidningen The Express är gruppen Ace of Base nu på väg att splittras. Systrarna Bergren sägs vara ovänner och tidningen skriver att Malin förmodligen hoppar av bandet innan månadens slut. När Ace of Base var på PR-besök i New York nyligen betedde sig Malin dessutom underligt, enligt The Express. Hon vägrade att prata med media. Under en intervju reste hon sig bara upp och lämnade rummet. Det var mycket genant.