Den amerikanska pedofilorganisationen NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) blev utsatta för en ddos-attack på Alice Day den 25 april. Namnet Alice Day kommer från Alice Liddell, flickan som en gång i tiden inspirerade författaren Lewis Carroll att skriva Alice i Underlandet. Syftet med dagen är att främja pedofili. Att man ska vara stolt över att vara pedofil. Anonymous angrep NAMBLA i protest mot firandet av Alice Day. De angrep även ett 70-tal andra webbplatser, då dessa enligt Anonymous sprider barnpornografi. NAMBLA kommenterade efteråt attacken i en artikel kallad "Hipster Vigilantism and the New Populist Attack On Free Speech". "In the past, this atavistic fury would have taken the form of book burnings or, even earlier, the burning of people. Today, it is expressed through the sabotage of complex computer networks and requires a modest level of technical expertise that is itself worn as a badge of honor by those who imagine themselves serving a societal good in their concerted efforts to silence us." Anonymous skriver i en kommentar: "On April 25th, Abusers worldwide celebrate the holiday Alice Day, named after Alice Liddell and, "Alice In Wonderland", originally Pedophile Pride Day. We call upon all Anonymous Operatives to come forward and march with us as legion. To deface and cause chaos within the pedophile networks." http://www.nambla.org http://www.nambla.org/hipster_vigilantes.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2wOVHN6ezA https://twitter.com/ReportAPedo http://www.hackersnewsbulletin.com/2013/04/anonymous-takes-down-pedophile-websites.html http://gizmodo.com/5995389/anonymous-just-took-down-namblas-homepage-to-protest-pedophilia-pride-day http://www.news.com.au/technology/anonymous-hacks-nambla-website-in-protest-of-pedophile-day/story-e6frfro0-1226629891974 http://www.dailydot.com/society/alice-day-anonymous-pedo-attack/ http://fondationprincessedecroy.morkhoven.org/12-Nambla-Boylove-GB.htm http://www.flashback.se/magazine/29/intervju-med-nambla-amerikansk-pedofilorganisation